The Maine is an aboriginal breed of American cats, characterized by large size and impressive body weight. Representatives of the breed are reliable friends and companions who can quickly win the love of the whole family.
Maine are giants of the cat world. The weight of an adult male can reach from 7 to 12 kg, a cat - from 4 to 7.5 kg.
Maine owners like to call their pets simply.
Despite the presence of a rich "fur coat", representatives of this breed do not need professional grooming and are able to do home combing.
are not phlegmatic and will gladly support any game if it is started in the morning or in the evening. But in the daytime, animals prefer to take a peaceful nap.
Maine are considered to be one of the best family breeds. They equally easily take root in houses and apartments and do not declare war on other representatives of the fauna who are forced to share a common territory with them.
With age, representatives of this breed "grow" an incredible sense of self-esteem, selflessly indulging in regal reclining on all free (and sometimes occupied) horizontal surfaces in unexpected poses.
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