Maine cats
The first thing you'll notice when you see a Maine is the really big cats! The good-natured giants of the cat world look like lynxes, have a warm fur coat, tassels on their ears and a characteristic muzzle, but at the same time they are similar to dogs in many ways. Maine are intelligent and excellent hunters, their ancestors survived for many years in a harsh climate and passed on all their best qualities to their descendants.
They are active and love to play, but not intrusive. Owners of Maine cats often claim that their pets understand them perfectly. Maine love children and are ready to allow a child a lot. Cats of this breed make excellent nannies and friends for "human babies".

History of the Maine Breed
The Maine, as the name suggests, is native to Maine, USA, where these cats were known to be excellent mouse hunters – the country cat. Even earlier in the early 19th century, Maine cats often lived on ships and were ship cats.
They are a natural breed and there is little to no information about their origins. It is believed that the Vikings brought them to North America, centuries before Columbus sailed from Europe. There is also a beautiful history of the origin of this breed. Allegedly, Maine are descendants of long-haired cats owned by Marie Antoinette. On the first ship, the failed French Queen sent her belongings and her beloved cats to New England, where they arrived safely and put down roots. One thing is for sure – the Maine is not the result of mating between a cat and a raccoon. The resemblance to raccoons remained only in the part of their name - kun (raccoon). In fact, Maine that did not have a brown striped coat similar to the coloring of raccoons were called Maine Steps.
The official history of the Maine breed began in 1861. At this time, a black and white cat named Captain Jenks of the Mounted Marines is first mentioned. The Maine Coon cat was named Best Cat in 1895 at the Madison Square Garden Cat Show.
The invasion of glamorous Persian and exotic Siamese cats from England at the turn of the century marked the end of the Maine's popularity, and the breed was largely forgotten for five decades. It wasn't until 1968 that the Maine Breeders and Fanciers Association (MCBFA) was formed.
Today, these large, beautiful cats are among the most popular breeds in the world. But what's really important is that they're the official state symbol of Maine.
Features of Maine cats
Maine are big cats.
Cats of this breed reach their full size when they are 3-5 years old.
A Maine named Pebbles was one of three cats who played Argus Filch's favorite cat, Mrs. Norris, in the Harry Potter films.
Maine learn a lot from observing their masters.
Cats of this breed are often called by their owners.
Maine are noted in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest domestic cats. More than 120 centimeters, this is the length of the largest representatives of the breed.
Maine are not hypoallergenic. This is due to the fact that cats are constantly licking their fur, and it is in the saliva that the allergen is found. Since Maine cats are large and the body area covered with hair is also very large, it is not recommended for allergy sufferers to have such cats.
One of the most family-friendly breeds, it is not aggressive to children and pets.
Photos of Maine cats

Description of the Maine cat breed
Maine are bred by nature itself, and they have everything to withstand harsh weather conditions. In Maine, the climate is quite cold and without a good woolen coat, these cats could not survive. Its large size also played a significant role in keeping warm and hunting small animals and birds.Most Maine cats weigh between 7 and 12 kilograms, while females weigh between 4.5 and 7.5 kilograms. Maine usually reach maturity from the age of three, which is a little later than other smaller cat breeds.
Cats of this breed are solidly built, and thanks to modern selection, they have become even larger than their ancestors were.
They always look like they live on a farm, walk freely wherever they want, catch mice and birds, and now they come into the house to rest.
At the moment, Maine are divided into two subspecies: classic American and European. The classic American Maine is a cat with a broad-boned body, a very fluffy tabby coat and round eyes. European Maine are somewhat longer, with less dense fur, but with a much longer tail and more pronounced lynx tassels. The eyes of European Maine have a slight slanting.
Maine Coon Head
The Maine has a large, elongated head with a textured profile. The ancestors of these cats were skilled hunters of rats and mice, which is why over time the Maine breed acquired an elongated skull profile. This feature gave advantages in catching rodents in burrows.
Maine cat ears
The large ears of the Maine look very harmonious, they have a wide base with a slight inclination forward. The signature feature of the ears of the Maine cat is the lynx tassels - small brushes on the tips of the ears. These great large "locators" are also a gift from their ancestors, the skilled mouser. The Maine is a very insulated cat, even the ears can have thick hair, and the cartilage structure is high and dense. Among other things, cats of this breed are so well-thought-out by nature that they even know how to press their ears and thereby exclude the ingress of cold air inside the auricle.
Maine Eyes
The eyes, like everything else in the Maine, are large, expressive, slightly obliquely set. The color of the eyes can be diverse - green, golden, greenish-gold or copper, as well as all shades of this group. White or bicolor Maine have blue or multicolored eyes.
The nose of Maine is of medium length.
Neck of Maine cats
The strong and muscular neck of the Maine is of medium length. Some species of cats have a large, fluffy white collar.
A large cat, by definition, must have well-developed muscles. The body of the Maine is knocked down and has a lot of muscle mass. The silhouette of the body is close to a rectangle of medium length, the back is smooth and horizontal. The chest volume is quite large in comparison with other breeds.
Paws of Maine cats
The Maine has solid, medium-length legs and large, rounded paws, well set with dense fur. In winter, such paws play the role of good "snowshoes".
Maine Tail
The tail is another adaptation in the fight against the harsh life in Maine. Huge, equal in length to body size, the tail of the Maine is covered with thick, fluffy, water-repellent hair along its entire length. The tail has a wide base, without any kinks along the entire length.
Colors of Maine cats
The Maine is a very large cat with a smooth 10 - 15 centimeters long shaggy coat.The heavy coat is shorter on the shoulders, longer on the belly and "pants" (long fur on the upper hind legs), with a long, fluffy tail that they can wrap around their body when they are cold. Maine wool is also water-repellent.
The gray-brown striped pattern is so common among Maine that many people are unaware that cats of this breed can have other colors.
Maine are found in monochromatic colors, including black, red, or white, bicolored, such as gray-blue and white, or red and white. In addition, cats have different patterns: all varieties of tabby and tortoiseshell coloring.
White Maine
This color is especially popular among breeders in Russia.
Red Maine
The red Maine has various shades and patterns.
Black Maine
Tabby is the most common color of Maine cats.
Tabby Maine may also have a white coat on the collar and legs.

Personality of Maine cats
The good-natured and affable Maine adapts well to any habits of its owners. They love to be around people and have a habit of following them everywhere. However, if you close the door in front of your cat, she will patiently wait for you to correct and let her in.
Maine cats are good companions for busy people, as they tolerate short-term solitude well, and are often content with only unobtrusively being in the same room with the owner.
Despite their love for their owners and indifference to strangers, Maine are not seen to be overly aggressive towards those they do not know.
The Maine also likes to play aport, he will gladly bring a small ball or toy. They are very intelligent and love to play with puzzle toys that challenge their intelligence.
Maine cats are often referred to as the dog breed. This is due to the fact that Maine often exhibit qualities that people identify with dogs.
Maine often behave like kittens even in adulthood. Cats, especially, are prone to infantile behavior. Cats are less playful, but they also don't mind playing sometimes.
The friendly, calm Maine is an ideal choice for families with children. Cats of this breed like attention, children can be the best friends of Maine, as both of them love active games.
They also don't mind the company of dogs and other cats in the house.
Maine Diseases
Purebred cats, like mixed breeds, can have a variety of health problems due to genetics.
The main diseases of Maine are:
Hip dysplasia. This is a joint disease that prevents a cat's leg from moving back and forth easily and painlessly when the cat walks, runs, or jumps. Hip dysplasia in severe cases can cause arthritis, pain, and lameness. Currently, there is no system in place to assess the likelihood of developing this disease in cats. Therefore, it is best to talk to breeders about the parents and grandparents of the kittens and whether there are cases of lameness in the family.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a form of heart disease that is inherited in Maine. A DNA test is available to identify cats that carry one of the mutations that cause the disease. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common form of cardiovascular disease in domestic cats. Symptoms usually appeared in adolescence and worsened in early adulthood.
Polycystic kidney disease is a slowly progressing inherited kidney disease that can lead to kidney failure.
Spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic disorder that affects the skeletal muscles of the trunk and limbs. There is a test to identify carriers of the gene.
Maine kittens
If you are not worried about the price, then you can safely contact large catteries and buy a kitten with a good pedigree and a guarantee from professionals.
First of all, you need to decide on the sex of the future pet, the purpose of the purchase and its class (whether you will participate in exhibitions).
The optimal age for a young Maine to move to a new home is 12-15 weeks. Usually, by this age, the breeder has already given the kitten all the necessary vaccinations and conducted a medical examination. In addition, a three-month-old kitten has already learned to use the toilet and can do without mother's milk. Your future pet should be active and not afraid to make contact. A lethargic and passive kitten is the first sign of the animal's poor health.
It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the parents of the kitten, so you can find out what kind of character your Maine will have when he grows up. Nervous and aggressive parents are not the best indicator of choosing a kitten, but good-natured and friendly purring giants guarantee that the kitten does not turn into a domestic lynx, with all the ensuing consequences. Also pay attention to the condition of the coat, the fur of a healthy kitten should be fluffy, smooth and shiny.
In the first days of staying in a new home, it is recommended to feed a Maine kitten with the same food that the breeder used. During the first month, you can gradually switch your kitten to the diet that you consider optimal for your Maine.
Keeping Maine cats
The Maine is well adapted to all weather conditions. They are playful, inquisitive creatures, so if you live in a house with a large private area, you can let your pet explore the nature around the house. However, remember that many people like Maine cats and no one is immune to theft.
Maine tend to be excellent hunters. Because cats are large, they can catch significantly larger prey than you might expect from them. This is something to keep in mind if your Maine spends time outside. No rodents will be safe in the house where the Maine lives.
Before you bring your kitten home, make sure your lifestyle is suitable for such a pet. For the arrival of a new resident of the apartment, you need to prepare and purchase all the necessary accessories and equipment: a tray for the toilet, several bowls, food, a nail sharpener, claw scissors and a comb for combing.
What to feed a Maine
For Maine kittens, four meals a day up to 12 weeks are recommended, the regime of three meals a day is followed up to 6 months. Cats older than six months are fed twice a day. Portions of food should be evenly distributed in appropriate quantities.
For Maine, it is not necessary to have any specialized food, the main criterion is that the food must be of good quality (premium and super-premium class). It should not be forgotten that Maine are much larger than other breeds and, accordingly, in order to feed such a giant, a large portion of food is needed. There are specialized foods for Maine cats on the market, which are designed to minimize the likelihood of diseases that this breed is prone to.
If you prefer to feed your Maine natural food, you need to consult your veterinarian to rule out the development of joint diseases. Most importantly, foods should be low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Cats of this breed should not gain excess weight, due to their solid size, the joints of Maine are under great strain and obesity will be an additional risk factor in the development of joint diseases.

Caring for a Maine cat
Despite its long coat and silky texture, it does not require complex care. It is recommended to brush the coat of the Maine twice a week, preventing the formation of mats. Check the coat for bits of food and other debris stuck to the fur. Despite the fact that the coat of kittens does not require special care, it is necessary to accustom Maine to brushing from an early age, then adult cats will calmly perceive this important procedure for health and maintaining a pleasant appearance.The Maine needs to be bathed as needed, sometimes once every few months and sometimes every 2 weeks. If the Maine's coat feels greasy or dirty, it's time for him to take a bath.Don't forget to take care of your Maine's teeth to prevent periodontal disease. A weekly cleanse will be a great preventative measure.
The Maine's nails grow quickly and need to be trimmed every couple of weeks.Wipe the corners of your eyes with a soft, damp cloth to remove any discharge. Use a separate piece of tissue for each eye to prevent the spread of infection.
It is necessary to check the ears of the Maine weekly. If they look dirty, they are wiped with a cotton swab or a soft, damp cloth.
Maine are very attentive to hygiene, a clean litter box will help keep the coat clean.
How much does a Maine cost?
Beautiful charismatic Maine cats are not cheap.
How much does a Maine cost? This question is quite complicated, as it depends on whether you are going to participate in exhibitions or just want to have a big beautiful cat at home.
Maine kittens from a good breeder are not cheap, since in early childhood the kitten is vaccinated several times, it is microchipped and examined by a veterinarian. And to these costs are added the importance of the pedigree of the parents and various club fees for registration.